
New West BC

Ding Ding

The battle is on!

Who will win the title of “Best mediocre breakfast restaurant” in New West?

Because there aren’t any good ones.

So far we have eliminated:

Waffle House – Thank God it’s gone

6th St Grill – If you feel like a bad trip to the 80s go here

Jim’s Cafe – The best of this bunch.

IHOP – Seriously, you think it’s gonna make this list?

Hideaway Cafe – Can’t actually say how this place is as they aren’t open on weekends.

White Spot – See IHOP above

On today’s card…..

Angelina’s vs. Bruncheria

We have 4 competitions in today’s battle.

First fight – Orange Juice

This one is a first round knockout. Even with their warm OJ Angelina’s kicked Bruncheria’s behind into next month. It’s $3 cheaper at Angelina’s. And I could see the OJ squeezing machine from my table. Not saying it’s not fresh squeezed at Bruncheria, but at $8 it’s just not worth it, even cold.

Second bout – coffee

This one went to a judge’s decision. And the judges declined to pick a winner. They are both that bad. Bruncheria has some dirty water in a cup. Angelina’s had a latté with zero foam and about the same amount of flavour. So yuk all around.

And now….Are you ready to Rumble….

Its the Battle Royale.

Bruncheria has served me less than hot food almost every time I’ve been there. Although the Benny isn’t bad, and it is pretty.

I have had Angelina’s benny before. Neither will knock your socks off. Both places are very sparse with the Hollandaise. And that’s the whole point of a Benny isn’t it? Like drown it in Hollandaise. Tell me I’m wrong?

Today we tried the waffle.

Ok I will admit right up front this is not in my wheelhouse. Too much sugar for breakfast. But it was very light and fluffy. So judging without taking away points for not being my favorite dish, Angelina’s wins this round. I’ve never had a waffle this light and fluffy. Can someone please tell me how the Waffle House stayed in business so long?

The bacon though, not a fan of the European style. It’s too lean. It tasted fine though. Give me American style bacon over this anytime. Oink oink.

Round 4 – Ambiance

The judges gave this decision to Angelina’s. Both have seating in and out. Inside neither place is somewhere you want to sit for too long. As far as outside, Angelina’s gets the decision. At Bruncheria you get to watch a ton of traffic go by on Braid. At Angelinas you get to watch people strolling by on the Quayside stroll. I imagine it’s quite pleasant. Can’t say for sure though. We have had to sit inside both times we have  been here. So point to Angelina’s.

I will also note. Even though it may not be my favorite, there sure seem to be enough people here. So they must be doing something alright.

So let’s tally up the score and and give out our prize.

Best “Mediocre breakfast in New West” goes to….

Drumroll please.

Angelina’s!                                         (Thunderous applause ensues)

I don’t know, maybe I should open an Eggs Benedict specialty house. My Hollandaise kicks ass……..

Read my reviews of the other breakfast joints Ive tried.

6th St Grill review

Waffle House review

Jim’s Cafe review

Bruncheria review

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