Villages Pizza

Burnaby BC

Was poking through Doordash this afternoon looking for my next review.

Decided it was pizza time again. Ya I must really like pizza.

If the reviews about Villages Pizza are anything to go by this should be a decent pizza pie.

If my taste buds are anything to go by then not so much.

To describe this pizza I harken back to the days of Pizza Hut pan pizza. Now I haven’t had Pizza Hut pan pizza for a little bit now, say 25 years. I do remember it being ok. This reminds me of those pizzas, just awful. Greasy, crunchy crust. The layers of the pizza separate as you eat it. The cheese was flavourless. The bacon was burnt. The ham likely the cheapest you can get. Surely Pizza Hut wasn’t this bad?

So that’s two bad pizzas in a row.

I wonder if I’ll be unlucky enough to make it a three-peat.

One bite review

Merilynn 4.9

Sophia 4.8

Greg 3.7

Should any thoughts of ordering from Villages pizza cross your mind call for help immediately!

Read my review of Hellcrust Pizza here

Here’s some good Pizza – Pizza Ludica

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