Caffé Delish

Port Coquitlam BC

Well somehow I ended up at a gluten free bakery today.

Now if you are celiac I don’t mean to offend. You have a legit health issue to eat gluten free. The rest of you? You are just making, in my opinion, a bad choice.

Gluten free products have certainly come a long way. I should know. I’m a professional baker. Would you care to see my journeyman papers? Yes journeyman, not journeyperson. Sorry all you ladies, deal with it. I remember when we made rice bread. It was horrid. The paper bag the rice flour came in tasted better than the bread. (You think I’m joking don’t you?) But they still have a ways to go. I’ve tasted some of today’s gluten free products. Better than the past? For sure. But not much.

I believe in wholesome eating with a good well balanced diet including gluten. IDK, maybe I’m a bit of a snob as well? Plus I love good bread. Hard to do without flour. Well IMHO impossible.

Anyways, rant over.

Caffé Delish is a nice little cafe, gluten free products notwithstanding.

We did try a hazelnut tart.

It was ok. Would have been better not cold out of the cooler. But I’m gonna copy it properly (read not gluten free) and rock it! Think butter tart with hazelnuts. The bitterness of the dark chocolate “tart” was nicely offset by the butter filling.

The coffee was great. Great foam, smooth espresso with well balanced vanilla. They even had whole milk.

It’s a nice vibe, a little bright for me but still comfortable. And there’s a cool moss wall to check out.

After 15 minutes I had to get out though and get back to the right……

Food 4/10

Coffee 8/10

Ambiance 7/10

Overall 7/10

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