Café Portrait

Vancouver BC

Continuing on with our search for a good breakfast, Merilynn found out about a little café in town that upon brief inspection looked promising.

The menu lists some interesting looking fare named after some famous artists. Matisse, Kandinsky and Monet to name a few. Based on the menu offerings I expected a great brunch surrounded by some great art by the artists mentioned.

Well it didn’t quite turn out that way.

On arriving you will find a small, quaint, inviting cafe with art on the walls. What you won’t find are any works by anyone of the listed artists on the menu, reproductions or otherwise.

By the style of the works on display I’d say they were all done by the same person. But I did think they were pretty good in their own right.

It’s really a neat little place to eat.

Having said that, let’s discuss the food.

Turkish coffee. If you haven’t had it, it’s like drinking a cup of dirt. Yet it’s still somehow pleasing. With a little Turkish delight on the side. Excellent!

We had the Smoked Salmon Bennie. Ok lox isn’t my favorite. And the eggs were overdone. Quite a lot really. And it’s served with fries. Weird. But they were gooood fries. And the salad was fine. The biggest issue was the Hollandaise. It was sweet. Like too sweet. I like my Hollandaise tangy. It spoiled it for me.

This isn’t what we had, I forgot to take the pic. Credit to the Café Portrait website. But you get the idea.

Afterwards we had an apricot Danish.

As a baker I’ll give this a big thumbs up. Wonderfully flakey with a cream cheese filling. Beautiful isn’t it?

So, overall it was a mixed bag this morning. Pleasant environment, good coffee, average Bennie, excellent Danish, long drive.

Food 6/10

Ambiance 8/10

Value 7/10

Overall 7/10

I don’t think we will be going back, but I’d say give it a go at least once. You may have a bit better experience than us and it’s a very nice place to eat.

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