Vancouver BC

Time for the fair!

It’s been a few years since I’ve been to the fair. Thanks Covid.

A normal day at the fair for me is basically one food stand to the next. Today was no exception.

First stop Hunky Bills!

A PNE tradition for as long as I can remember. Not that I usually partake myself though. As far as I’m concerned if you’ve met one perogie you’ve met them all. These were no exception. Perhaps one day I’ll find a perogie I’ll love. Not today. The farmer sausage was good though. More garlic than I’m used to in a farmers sausage.


Mini donuts!

Another long time PNE tradition.

Now I do prefer a Beaver tail. More on that to come. But Merilynn wanted mini donuts. After wandering for a bit we found a stand and ordered. The funny thing here was my drink. The machine at this particular stall was broken and the server had to run all over playland to get my drink. She gets bonus points for her effort. The donuts? They were fine.


10/10 to the girl that went for the cola.

Bacon wrapped hot dog with grilled onions next.

Other than the bun this was pretty good. Onions and bacon were grilled perfectly. And the dog, for being a hot dog mind you, was good. Too bad the bun was stale. Pass me my drink.


Gator BBQ was next. This is a pretty impressive operation. Smokers and coolers built into a semi trailer to support what must be thousands of orders on a busy Saturday like this.

Pulled pork, ribs and beans.

We have had the opportunity to eat lots of BBQ this year due to our trip through the south. While not at the top of the list, Gator did a decent job, considering the volume they are pumping out. I like my ribs a little more tender. Almost fall off the bone. But they weren’t far off. And quite tasty. More sauce though please.

The pulled pork was the winner here. Beautiful flavour and tenderness. There were some really good crispy ends. The beans were perhaps slightly too sweet, but it did go well with the rest of the meal.

I’ll go 7/10 for Gator BBQ.

After a little more walking, and a trip to get my garlic grater,

Watch for a future post on this grater. Based on the demo it should work out really well.

we headed over to the Beaver tail stand as our last snack of the day before heading out.

Whether you call them Beaver Tails, Elephant Ears or Whale Tails these to me are way better than mini doughnuts.

Essentially a flat donut, these have both nice crispy sections and chewy sections. I prefer just cinnamon sugar, but they have quite a few varieties. Other than the server running around Playland for my cola, this was the highlight of the day.


We saw a slushie place waiting in line for the Beaver Tail. On a hot day what better bevvie to have with our snack?

Tart, sweet and cold. Perfect for the warm afternoon.


Overall a good day of food at the fair.

I figure I spent about $90 all told today. Pretty good for the 2022 PNE food quest.

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