Patina Brewing Company


Now what’s better than enjoying Victoria day weekend sitting on a patio drinking beer and eating good food. With the dog no less.

I started with a flight.

From left to right:

1. Strawberry Kiwi Sour.

 Apparently the kiwis are grown locally which to me I found unbelievable at first until I researched it and found that yes there are some kiwis that grow on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. Who knew?

At any rate I didn’t find this beer particularly sour. It was fruit forward and it was refreshing but not my first choice.

2. Peach Passion fruut Sour.

This is my kind of beer. Here too the peaches are BC grown.

From their website; “This sour brings the perfect balance between fruity sweetness and a gentle, lingering sourness”

However to me that sourness actually kicked my ass a little. Which I like. What’s the point of a sour if it’s not sour?

3. Amber lager

This is a fairly typical dark lager to me. Didn’t quite fit with the sours unfortunately but I generally like this type of lagger a lot. It has a nutty and deep flavor.

4. Thai lager

Here we have something a little bit different. Like a lot of beers today there’s lime present but there’s an underlying savory note. I couldn’t quite pinpoint it at first thinking perhaps it was lemongrass and it turns out that’s part of it. It also has ginger and calamansi. For most of you out there (like me as well) a calamansi is a citrus hybrid, also known as a Philippine lemon.

I enjoyed it so much I brought a four pack right from the brewery. Which if you want some of this you might have to do yourself as they aren’t in many liquor stores other than in the direct area. Hopefully their brand grows and more of their great beers get recognized.

And now for the barbecue!

I had a pulled pork bun which with white Alabama barbecue sauce.

Very tender and tasty pulled pork on a super Fresh bun with the mayonnaise based white Alabama barbecue sauce. Beautiful all around. They do a really nice fry here too. The coleslaw I could do without. It’s pretty plain.

Merilynn went with the ribs.

Okay yeah the ribs could use a little work. I would say a few more hours in the smoker would make these a really good rib. They weren’t quite tender enough and there was quite a lot of gristle.

I do a good rib at home myself, so this isn’t something I’d ever order out. And I do believe in a simmering ribs as it does melt all that collagen. So ribs at my house are completely fall off the bone and nothing but tender meat.

Merilynn did enjoy them however she did say my ribs are better.

And hopefully you notice that candied bacon on that tray as well.

This is one of my favorite things ever.

I mean it’s bacon. And they candy it.

It’s absolutely phenomenal.

We definitely had three different experiences today though

My meal was great.

Merilynn’s meal was good, but ribs need a little more time in the smoker.

But unfortunately my friend John did not care for his pulled pork tacos. His main complaint was an overall lack of flavor.


Bring River out for some beer and BBQ

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