The Bee’s Knees

Nanaimo BC

With no real direction about where to have breakfast this morning we find ourselves putting on the proverbial blindfold and chucking a dart at Google’s list of best breakfasts in Nanaimo.

And the winner is The bee’s Knees.

Looks good so far. It’s in a residential building that looks fairly new. The only problem was there wasn’t much parking in the lot. We had to park on the street and walk in.

The interior is quite pleasant. Lots of windows with lots of natural light. It’s decorated nicely with lots of greenery and an eclectic mix of furniture. If you’ve been to a Cracker Barrel in the US, this is a hippiefied version of that.

The menu is quite large, but sadly lacking much protein.  Carnivores look elsewhere, you won’t be happy here.

But if you’re vegetarian you’ll love this place.

Spoiler alert: I’m not vegetarian.

We got the breakfast wrap.

As we were eating it I kept waiting for some actual flavor out of this. It never came. Pretty bland. Noticed the lack of protein? The best tasting thing on that plate was that coleslaw. I liked it. And that’s saying something from someone who doesn’t really like coleslaw.

I did save the best for last though.

They have quite a few baked items as well. I got this chocolate torte, which was really good. I’m gonna have to replicate this myself.

Very chocolatey, smooth and creamy. Delicious!

Due to its consistency I’d guess that it’s vegan. But that’s ok. Not everything began is awful. Just most things.

Was The Bee’s Knees the Bee’s Knee’s?


But it was ok.


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