La Pache #3

New Westminster

Gonna give a couple slices a go to see if we can improve on the last visit.

See that review here

First we have the Prosciutto Caprese.

Fior di latte, Prosciutto and Arugula on a tomato sauce.

Then we have the Italian Classic.

Soppressata, Capiccollo, Italian Sausage and Fior di latte on a tomato sauce.

Both slices were good. But not great.

After three visits I think I figured out why this doesn’t rate higher for me.

The sauce. Or more specifically the lack thereof. It’s not that there isn’t sauce. There just isn’t enough of it. I don’t think they put enough toppings on either to make this a truly great pizza.

But when you consider you can get two pieces and a pop for $9 at La Pache you really can’t complain. The pizza that to me is the best in New West (Ludica) is about $35 all said and done. It’s quite a price difference.

My biggest complaint with why the slice pizza is the temperature it’s usually served at, lukewarm. It’s been piping hot both times here.

La Pache is a great place to stop and grab a couple quick slices when your on the go. It’s quick and is good value.

One bite review: 7.5

Overall value 9/10

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