
New Westminster BC

Ok it’s not very often I’m gonna say something all that positive about Starbucks.

Yes I spend way too much money at Starbucks.

It just so happens there’s one at work.

So when I need a jolt from my latte that’s where I end up.

I would love to say that Starbucks has great coffee. I can’t.

It can be alright. But the biggest problem with Starbucks is the consistency. Well more specifically the lack thereof.

It might be due to the automatic machines they use now.

It might be down to the training.

It might be that they are more interested in DEI now than making good coffee.

Whatever the case, $6 dollars for an often mediocre latté is far too much.

But I did find myself at the Royal Square location tonight killing a bit of time waiting for a ride.

My usual go to, vanilla latte with whole milk, was once again a mediocre.

But as I was sitting there one of the staff brought around samples of a drink I hadn’t heard of before.

Now I have no idea if this is new but whatever the case it’s new to me.

This is the Caramel Apple Spice.

The picture doesn’t do it justice

So if you can, imagine drinking an apple pie.

It’s steamed apple juice with cinnamon dolce syrup, whipped cream and caramel drizzle.

I was genuinely impressed as the first taste of what is my absolute favorite fruit pie passed my lips.

They have captured that flavour quite well in this drink.

Granted this was my tastebuds first frolic with this concoction. I will be giving them another opportunity to experience this creation soon. To see how consistent Starbucks can be with this beverage.

Update: I’ve now had a chance to try a full size version, grande specifically. Once the whipped cream and caramel drizzle is gone it turns into a plain steamed apple cider.

I recommend only getting the smallest size you can order to enjoy the full flavour experience.


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