Gordon Ramsey Burger #2

Coquitlam BC

I find myself back at the Great Canadian Casino tonight. Hopefully tonight’s trip to Gordon’s burger joint is better than the first.

Let’s start things off with a shake shall we?

Chocolate for me Vanilla for Tom.

Pretty good shake. Thick and creamy. And not bad value at $5. (Edit: my bad eyes read the menu wrong. They are $9.50 each. I retract my statement about good value)

Onion rings to share.

Now those are beautiful.

Thin and crispy batter with a good amount of salt. Excellent batter to onion ratio. I really don’t like super thick batter.

My only complaint was that they were a bit greasy. I can hear some of you out there saying “well they were deep-fried in oil dummy.” Your right they were. I just don’t like the heavy amount of oil I had to wipe off my fingers.

I decided we were gonna skip a burger tonight. Wasn’t overly thrilled with the one I had a few days ago

We were considering the fish and crisps sandwich but they were out so the Lobster and Prawn roll it was.

Now this is more like what I expect when eating at a Ramsey restaurant.

Lobster and prawn on a toasted brioche bun with a lemon aioli. It was really good. Could it use more lobster? Sure! Who doesn’t want more lobster? I still really enjoyed it.

Is it worth $32? That’s another question. I’m not sure that it is.

We got the truffle fries for a side. They were better last time. Oh well, still tasty, just not as fresh.

We did sit in the restaurant this time and it was nothing special. Could have been any restaurant anywhere in Canada. After being at his Fish and Chips and at Hell’s Kitchen I was expecting more theming. Pretty disappointing.

So this is visit #2 to Gordon Ramsey Burger. This certainly was better than our first time here. I won’t be in a huge hurry for visit #3.

Food 8/10

Value 5/10

Ambiance 5/10

Overall 5/10

My first review is here

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