
New Westminster BC

I find myself at Piva this fine Saturday morning still looking for a great breakfast in New West.

Will I find it today?

Based on some recommendations and a decent previous dinner here my hopes are high.

On the menu today is a Mediterranean Eggs Benedict. Crab and avocado on focaccia.

What? Focaccia? Hmm, not sure that’s gonna work. I’m highly skeptical that I will enjoy this. But as they say nothing ventured nothing gained.

Well as it turns out nothing gained…

The Hollandaise was one of the better restaurant Hollandaises I’ve had. And crab is pretty much always amazing. But the rest of the benny wasn’t great. I would of much rather had slices of avocado rather than mashed like guacamole. The eggs were poached more than I’d like. And the focaccia? Ick is the word. It just didn’t work. It ended up being soggy. The odd thing is that focaccia is one of my favorite breads. It’s really too bad. There is good potential here. Perhaps order it sans focaccia?

Piva does have a lovely atmosphere, it’s chic and modern. The service was great as well. Our server was attentive and well informed. We actually had quite a good chat.

Now if I can just get them to stop using the focaccia for breakfast and leave it for dinner

Food 5/10

Service 8/10

Ambiance 8/10

Overall 6/10

Here’s a link to our first visit to apiva for cocktails and apoies.

One thought on “Piva

  1. I agree with all your assessment. We love Piva for most meals, drinks & ambiance. But I definitely disliked the eggs beni on focaccia. Sure hope they change.

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