Steveston Pizza

July 19

Have you heard of Steveston Pizza?

There certainly some hype about this place.

Merilynn gets it at work once a month or so and she says it’s very good.  I’ve also heard from a couple other people how fantastic it is.

Before you go and decide to get a pie from here there’s a couple things you need to know first.

Firstly, they don’t do delivery. That includes Uber and Skip. Pickup only. That means you are driving all the way out to Steveston.

Second, there’s an $800 pizza on the menu.

Now I’ve spent some decent money on food in my life. But no way in hell am I spending $800 on a pizza. 

I did manage to convince her to drive over there after work one day and pick one up to bring home.

And here it is.

So the question is:

Is this pie worth all the effort?

Nope it’s not.

If you happen to live near there or are in the area it certainly would be worth your while to go and give it a try. Maybe even drop the $800.

But am I driving from New West to Steveston to get a bloody pizza?

No way.

Yeah it’s good pizza. But I would drive by two or three places that I’d rather have pizza from…than drive halfway across the lower Mainland.

One bite review


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