Lago by Julian Serrano

Las Vegas NV

It’s been a pretty amazing week of food so far and tonight’s going to be another great experience I’m sure.

If nothing else for the view.  And I don’t mean those wacko women on the TV show.

Located within the Bellagio, Lago has a spectacular view of the fountains to enjoy while you eat.

I’m not all that sentimental but I can watch those fountains for hours. Well I did actually.  It’s a small speck of beauty in a city known for its gluttony and greed.

So while I’m treated to a beautiful show every 15 minutes I’m also going to get some amazing food.

Well Lago doesn’t have its own Michelin star, Picasso, just a few doors down, did get two Michelin stars. So I’m expecting an excellent meal.

And a great way would be to start with my favorite bread.


Nice crumb structure. I’m guessing a hydration closer to the 75 to 80% mark rather than my preferred 100%. I find the higher hydration foccaccias have a nicer texture.

For my happy I went with soup. Corn and Basil.

Deep, rich corn flavour with a hint of basil. There’s a little crab in there to tease you. I think I’ll put more in when I make it. This is a really good size portion as well. Too big if anything.

Honestly though. Is a big hearty bowl of soup just what you need on a 40° (C) day? Probably not. But it was great.

Moving onto my pasta.

Lemon Tagliolini with chicken.

It’s just a simple pasta with lemon, butter and Parmesan. It’s surprising how good has to can be with just a few simple ingredients.

It was a little rich because of the butter and the parmesan but the acidity from the lemon cuts through that richness. I do something similar at home and it’s one of my favorites.

For dessert I went with the in-house made sorbets and a beautiful cappuccino to finish a lovely meal off.

Lemon, blackberry and mango. A clean and crisp finish.

As the hours passed and a little peace came over the restaurant as the majority of patrons left it made the experience even more pleasant. To watch the fountains and listen to the synchronized music is one moment of beauty I’ll never grow tired of.

This was my final evening in Vegas. And it was an evening to remember.


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