Big Flat Pancake

Port Coquitlam BC

Ok I’ll admit up front I went into this meal with some very high expectations.

First, I’ve heard good things.

Second, we have tried to come here twice before. It’s been lined up out the door both times.

Third, it gets at 4.6 rating on Google.

So yeah why shouldn’t I think I’m in for a good breakfast.

I challenge you to flip through their Instagram or online food photos and tell me that it doesn’t look good.

Perhaps that’s why this is one of the most disappointing meals I’ve had in a long time.

The server came and took our order within a reasonable amount of time. But then the wait.

Today was not a particular busy day at the Big Flat Pancake. We actually had to wait a few minutes to be seated even though there were multiple tables open.

Then the wait started. First first our drinks. Then coffee refills. Then for our food.

Why so much waiting when it’s not full?

One answer might possible be:

They were too busy over cooking our eggs?

I had the Blacksmith Benny.

This is bacon, cheddar and avocado on the traditional English muffin with Hollandaise.

I found the cheddar flavor to overwhelm most of the flavors of the Benny. The”crispy” bacon was anything but. The eggs? Overdone.  In my case not to the point of being inedible but still overdone. The hash browns are flavorless. Looks deep fried to me

Merilynn went with The Big Swim

First thing to note: that’s a $24 plate.

The lox was fine. The toast was bread. Hard to screw that up. The eggs though were so dry they were inedible. Seriously bad. Best part of this plate was by far the fresh fruit.

The teenager went with the Lois and Clark Benny. Ham, gouda and avocado.

The eggs on this Benny weren’t quite so overdone. Overdone nonetheless.

And now our second wait began. The amount of time to get the table cleared and the bill coming to the table was far too long then it should be for a restaurant this busy.

Honestly I was appalled at the meal overall.

I did have a look on Instagram and Facebook at some of their other offerings that have been posted and the food looks pretty good. Maybe we just had a bad morning? Unfortunately they’re not going to get a second chance from us.

Not after spending $111. That’s one and done I’m afraid.

Greg 1/10

Merilynn 1/10

The teenager 5/10

Value Terrible

2 thoughts on “Big Flat Pancake

  1. I can only think that this was so out of the normal for this restaurant.

    We have never yet had a bad meal there and we’ve been going there for at least 16 months. I’ve gone with different friends and not one of them said their food was below par or even bad.

    Bruce knows what my husband wants to eat and what can’t be included in the order and if we don’t have Bruce but Shona or Shawn (Sean) he has told them immediately and they now know what I like to have there – the delicious cheese omelet. It has always come piping hot and cooked to my liking.

    I suggest you give it another try as I don’t think most of the customers would agree with your review.

    Like you I am always the one to make comments on the food service etc. or advise people not to go there but I just can’t with The Big Flat Pancake.

    1. Thanks for your comment. As always opinions will differ when it comes to food. I was very much looking forward to my visit there and was beyond disappointed. I usually do have a three strike rule for a restaurant but occasionally an experience like this comes up and I’m one and done. And that’s only reinforced by my wife’s similar opinion of the place. But I’m happy you like it. Clearly lots of people do.

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