The Thirsty Duck

New West BC

We’ve been meaning to go here for probably the last year and for one reason or another we haven’t been able to make it.

Today was finally the day we made it to The Thirsty duck.

First thoughts?

“I’m not sure about this”

Second thoughts?

“We should probably leave. But she wanted to try it. So here we go.”

As I look over the menu a quote from The Big Bang Theory ‘s Sheldon Cooper comes to mind regarding the plethora of selections availble.

Sheldon: “What’s good here?”

Penny: “Everything’s good here!”

Sheldon: “Statistically unlikely”

This .enu is large, and picking through it to get the better dishes is challenging.

Now as I have been researching New West’s best breakfast and The Thirsty Duck was on my list the places to go I decided to continue that research and went with the Chorizo Eggs Benedict.

This was A tale of two dishes.

The Eggs Benny was actually rather good. The eggs were perfect. Soft and gooey..the chorizo had a little kick. The Hollandaise could have used a bit more lemon, well maybe any lemon at all. But overall a pretty decent representation of the dish.

The Potatoes? OMFG. Putting this shite on the plate was an insult to the Benny.

The flavour of weeks of multiple deep fried foods came through in every bite. Well all three that I could manage to get down. Come on chef, this is just being lazy. You did a pretty decent Benny and you add this crap? Disappointing to say the least.

Merilynn went with the fajitas.

Personally this is something I would never order. So good to try it now and again, to refresh my memory.

And it was about as average as I expected.

We eat tenderloin at home, so chewing on this flank steak was a little more difficult than I’m used to. Though the flavour was good. That dish, while cute, is deceiving. You can’t get more than 3 or 4 wraps out that. I think that as far as fajitas go though these are just fine.

My final thoughts?

If your used to eating at higher end restaurants you probably won’t be thrilled eating here. But if you are a regular at your pub The Thirsty Duck will suit you just fine.

Food 5/10

Atmosphere 6/10

Value Can’t really decide

Overall 5/10

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