Oreno – Tenuta Setti Ponti – 2019


It was my honey’s birthday last week.

As she is a lover of red wine I wanted to get her something special to celebrate.

I popped into the liquor store thinking about spending 60 or $70 on a bottle.

Then I saw this:

I’ve never seen 99 points on a bottle before. Ever. Not even 98. Couple 97s over the years. Lots of 96s. Never a 99.

Well you know what that means.

Like a complete fool I had to buy it.

You know it’s funny. I’ve kind of gone complete circle and around a bit again when it comes to wine.

I used to drink not very good stuff. Then I started liking the better stuff. Then I couldn’t drink the cheap stuff. Then I got sick and tired of spending a lot of money on the “better” wine so started drinking $20 bottles again. And now realized I actually like and appreciate the better wine and would rather spend a little bit more money on a good bottle only half as often. Wine is complicated that’s for sure. Or maybe it’s me?

As for this bottle. Orena is no 1973 Chateau Montelena Chardonnay.

But it’s probably the best bottle of wine I’ve ever bought.

And being just a regular Joe and not a billionaire 140 bucks is a decent sum for a bottle of wine.

It is Bordeaux blend from Central Tuscany.

The blend is 50% Merlot, 40% Cabernet Sauvignon and 10% Petite Verdot.

It’s a dark ruby red and is very complex in flavor. Berries come through with hints of chocolate and subtle spiciness coming from the Petit Verdot.

It’s so full bodied and at the same time so dry it’s hard to imagine that a wine can be this good.

Without question it’s the finest I’ve had.

Is it worth $140? That’s always debatable.

In this case I would say yes.

Is it worthy of the 99 score.

In my opinion yes

Will I be buyin it again?

Like an idiot I will

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