Buddy V’s Ristoranté

Las Vegas Nevada

If you’ve ever watched Cake Boss you know who Buddy Valestro is.

We are at one of his many establishments in Vegas tonight.

Is it just me or is Vegas becoming too crowded with celebrity chefs eateries now? It’s also an old folks home for over the hill musicians too but that’s another topic altogether.

Off the top of my head I can think of 5 Gordon Ramsey restaurants. I lost count of how many cake vending machines for the cake boss I saw. Never mind the 3 restaurants of his I saw.

Perhaps Vegas has picked up on some of Hollywood’s inability to come up with original ideas?

Nevertheless, we are eating at Buddy V’s tonight. Good old fashioned Italian home cooking.

To be perfectly honest I went into this meal with more than just a little bit of doubt that we were going to eat well.

So up first, as in any good Italian restaurant, comes the Focaccia bread.

Well I have to say this was a pretty good start.

As someone who has made focaccia bread many times I will say this was excellent. Light and airy, large crumb structure and great flavour. Only disappointing thing was the poor quality balsamic. Serves me right for getting used to the taste of the good stuff I guess.

Up next Grandma’s meatballs.

Beef, veal and pork meatballs that were so soft and tender. Served with marinara and parm just like Grandma did. And just like I do too.

They were very good. The marinara was very fresh and flavourful.

Nice portion size as well.

Then we went with Bucatini Carbonara

Certainly one of my favorite sauces. Am I allowed to have 6 favorite sauces?

Cracked pepper, pancetta and a creamy garlic sauce. This was incredible. Love the Bucatini too. Really fantastic noodle for a Carbonara. Will be adding some to my pasta drawer soon. If there’s room…..

And of course to finish off a cannoli.

Not one of my favorites, but when in Rome right?

Chocolate drops on one end, pistachios on the other end. Creamy sweet ricotta in a fried cinnamon pastry.

Ya ok these ones were pretty good.

I’ll still take a good tiramisu anyday though.

My impression of Buddy changed a little tonight. I always though Duff did more impressive cakes when I watched Buddy vs Duff.. I suspect Duff can’t cook like Buddy does though.

Food 8/10

Ambiance 8/10

Service 8/10

Overall 8/10

Mangia Mangia!

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