El Santo – Brunch

New West BC

I would like to be very clear about my preference for the base of any good eggs benedict. I’m very much a traditionalist. So I do have a tiny bias against anything unusual.

Just in case you’re not aware, eggs benedict is traditionally served on an English muffin. I’ve had them both, toasted and untoasted. Toasted please!

I’ve had it on a rusk. The Dutch can keep those. Not good at all.

I’ve also had EB on a croissant. Is that typical in France? Whatever, it was good.

I’ve had it on focaccia bread across the street from El Santo at Piva. Probably the worst Benedict I’ve ever eaten. And focaccia is my favorite bread!

My sole purpose for my visit to El Santo today is to add one more bread variety to that list, that being cornbread.

I am a pretty big fan of cornbread. It’s simple to make, geez I don’t even follow a recipe anymore. Served with a little bit of honey butter fresh out of the oven it’s wonderful. I have traveled across the U.S. South and had many different examples and I loved most of them.

So I wasn’t really sure what to expect from today.

It is a pretty plate, if perhaps a bit crowded. But I like the presentation.

The protein is an ancho braised short rib and it’s topped with a Chipotle Hollandaise.

As a whole the dish worked quite well.

The flavour of the short ribs was a bit one-note. The ancho chilies were a bit too forward but the ribs were very tender.

The corn bread itself was very nice. As a standalone cornbread it would be too sweet for me. That sweetness did help cut through the richness of the dish.

The eggs were soft poached, as they should be in EB.

The Hollandaise was very nice. I personally didn’t get a lot of chipotle though.

And of course if you are eating Mexican what better accompaniment is there than refried beans? I love them.

When I ordered my side of beans the server did warn me that the beans were “runny”, almost like a soup. I thought ok, I have had beans on the creamy side and it was one of my favorite takes on the dish.

I wasn’t expecting this though.

I didn’t get a picture of just the beans but you can see them in the background.

Picture if you will a bowl of dirty water with some beans floating around in it.

That’s what it looked like. And that’s what it tasted like. There was hardly any flavor. Very disappointing.

But wait!

One of the others in our party ordered a different meal and their dish did come with refried beans.

I submit exhibit A, proof that El Santo does, in fact, make them in this style.

Excellent, I’ll ask for some of the refried beans.

Let me tell you I was more than a little bewildered when the server told me I couldn’t have any. “We don’t offer that as a side,” was her response.


Here again is another restaurant in New West that is saying no to a customer. (If you haven’t read my Artusi post it is them I’m referring to.)

I work in the food industry and a lot of what I do is customer service. I readily admit that sometimes I have to say no to a customer. But that’s only when I cannot actually provide the service or product they are requesting. If it is within my powers my answer is always a yes.

Here we have a situation where they clearly have the product that the customer wants, yet they are still saying no.

Firstly, that’s a really bad business decision. Don’t piss off your customers.

Secondly, how arrogant must a chef or restaurant owner be to tell a customer how to eat their food.

But hey it’s a free world, I get it. You own the restaurant, you can make the rules.

And I can spend my money elsewhere.

And feel compelled to give you a negative review.

And post it online.

On multiple pages.

And tell everyone I know.

So let’s summarize:

Good cornbread Eggs Benedict.

Terrible beans.

Not giving me refried beans when you have them on hand. Ridiculous.

Bad review posted.

Suggestion: Don’t say NO to your customers.

While I did mostly enjoy this meal at El Santo I don’t think I’ll be back. Saying no to your customer is a really, really bad idea. One that will keep me away.

Food 7/10

Service 0/10

While the server actually did a good job today, I score a big fat goose egg on account of the “NO” I received regarding the refried beans.

Ambiance 5/10

Overall 4/10

6 thoughts on “El Santo – Brunch

  1. Thanks for posting your blog so we can evaluate your opinions in context.
    Well Greg Wilson, I checked out your blog. The last month or so of posts, to be exact. In all of those posts, there is only one that was “liked”, and the lone comment was a guy telling you to “get over yourself.”
    Just because you have the right to scream into the wind, doesn’t mean everyone is going to line up behind you. It doesn’t even make you right.
    FYI looking down your nose and eviscerating local restaurants for their perceived shortcomings does not make you sound sophisticated. It doesn’t make you an authority on anything except maybe misery. It makes you sound arrogant, entitled, and petty.
    The mean spiritedness of your professed opinions is only eclipsed by the mediocrity of your writing. Stick to baking.

    1. OMG that’s hilarious! Do you not realize that you sound more “elitist” (*cough* Karen) than the reviewer?
      The fact that they refused to serve thr beans à la carte is 100% unacceptable to begin with. You don’t say no to a customer when it is doable! I once had to make a dessert plate of chocolate torte with a Parmesan cheese – in a very famous 4★ restaurant I’m Toronto. Did ut make me roll my eyes? Yes, of course! Did I refuse? No, of course not, because the customer is king/queen!
      On top of that, I would have sent the first beans BACK! Watery beans? And the “warning” from the server about them? No bueno.

  2. I agree with Stephanie M. She says it so well, please take the feedback. Ordering off menu items or changing what you want on your plate makes things difficult for the server and the kitchen. You were told that the beans would be soupy. Always remember spit disappears in hot soup (or beans).

    1. Well I disagree with her. Especially when what I wanted was made by the kitchen. It wasnt off menu at all, they just wouldnt serve it to me. That’s bad service plain and simple. And while there’s a lot of people who don’t want to hear bad things about El Santo, tough. It’s over rated and over priced. I’ve been three times just to be fair. And three times I was disappointed.

      1. I’ve never been to El Santo and probably never will, not because of your review but I do not fine dine when in Mexico so locally (New West) I go to the more basic Mexican restaurants.
        Question” have you ever worked in, owned, cooked or served in a restaurant? Truth?

        1. You bet I have. For over 40 years actually. In restaurants when I was younger. Been a professional baker for 35 years also with customer service being a major component. (Grocery store) I know what customer service is. Or what it should be anyways. Not being allowed to have refried beans when they are clearly available is bad customer service. At no time should a customer walk out your door upset when there is obviously something you can do about it. I’m pretty sure Alejandro would agree with me too. Since I have seen him reach out after after the fact to correct things. Which is great don’t get me wrong. But three times is a fair shot. Can’t use “had a bad night” excuse after three times. Are some of the issues subjective? Sure. I didn’t like the Chile Relleno. Regardless of my opinion though lots of people still like El Santo and good for them. I will go elsewhere though. You know what they say in baseball. Three strikes……..

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