L’Onore Pizza

New Westminster BC

Tucked away in the beautiful neighborhood of Victoria Hills is a wonderful little Pizzeria. They make hand stretched Neapolitan style pizza here with not just your usual selections. These include the Daviolo, Cacioepepe and our choice, the Sunrise in Paradise.

I actually had my first L’onore pizza last year and it was pretty good. Today’s was much better.

Looking at that picture you might think that’s take out, you didn’t eat it there! Well I had rover with me, so we just had it on a bench right beside the patio.

This is Sunrise in Paradise. I tried to order a Hawaiian. Silly me. They don’t use pineapple at all. Some of you will agree with that. I personally don’t. I like pineapple on pizza.

If you have a close look at this pizza you will see candied oranges. Explain to me how that, in essence, is any different that what pineapple does in a pizza. Whatever

It has three cheeses, fontina, fior di latté, mozzarella. Leoncini ham from Parma, cherry tomatoes confit and chili oil. Oh and of course the pineapple. Whoops sorry, candied oranges.

Ok so the oranges, other than the fact they were a little chewy, certainly elevated the pizza from just ordinary Hawaiian. There was no sauce, only the three cheese combination. I didn’t miss the usual marinara at all. I watched the chef hand stretch the pizza dough and it was cooked in a proper pizza oven. Damn this was one fine pizza.

As far as pizzerias go I think L’orore is one of your better options in New West.

Food 8/10

Service ,9/10

Overall 8/10

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