
Toronto Ontario

Personally I think you have to be a nutbar to want to drink some sludge pressed out of an oat or an almond, but whatever. You do you. Fortunately the nutbars haven’t completely taken over and they still have some actual milk from a cow at Nutbar.

Sidenote: When you consider the double entendre of “Nutbar” it might have been worthwhile for the individuals who came up with this concept to give more consideration to the name. It’s just way too easy to make fun of.

Anyways we are going on a donut tour in 12 minutes, and what goes well with donuts? Coffee you say?

So here we are at the Nutbar.

A chain of coffee shops that specialize in in house pressed nut “milks” I put milk in quotations as the local cows have lodged a micro aggression complaint against everyone calling it “milk”

As usual I had a vanilla latté and I will say they did it very well.

Great foam and temperature and a nice balance of vanilla.

Very nice, and it went great with our doughnuts.

I suggest they keep carrying regular, good old fashioned moo. And not go too nuts.

Coffee 8/10

Doughnut stop #1 Cops click bere

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