
Doughnut stop #2

Toronto ON

Our guide told us the next stop was a vegan doughnut stop. Great. Maybe you shouldn’t ask me my opinion on vegans. But I don’t want to be rude so off we went.

Here we selected the Pistachio Rose ring donut and a Blueberry Lemon filled Bsimark.

The Rose Pistachio was sickenly sweet. Perhaps a touch too much on the rose, but just way too sweet.

The Blueberry Lemon bismark was interesting. However the curd wasn’t overly lemony and had a weird texture.

But the dough for being vegan was better than expected. It definitely was lighter than I expected.

There are drawbacks when you can’t use eggs or butter and they sure do show in something like a donut.

While it was better than expected I definitely will not be back to a vegan donut shop. Or vegan anything for that matter.

Doughnuts 4/10

Good try though guys.

Doughnut stop #3 click here

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