North of Brooklyn Pizzeria

Toronto Ontario

Have you heard of One Bite Pizza review?

It’s a pretty famous YouTube channel where Dave Portnoy does a pizza review. If I understand it right to date he’s done thousands and if you get a good review you’re going to do very well from that point on.

I do enjoy watching the reviews. They are short, to the point and as I’m a pizza lover as well, relevant to me.

So he was in Toronto last year and visited 15 different pizza joints in the city. His highest rated stop was North of Brooklyn. At 8.4 that’s a pizza place worth traveling up to an hour for.

So it was pretty high on my list of things to do while we are here in Toronto. It is a chain and the actual location that he did his review at was on Queen Street. So when we arrived and found it now to be an A&W we were a little surprised. If the pizza is that good why is it gone?

However I was undeterred to try this pizza. It took us a little while to make it to the next location which is a couple miles away. We did manage to get there, but in a very round about fashion. First a bus, then a streetcar, then off, then back on to same streetcar, then subway, then a 10 minute walk. Cripes this city is big. But we eventually did make it to their location on Church Street. By this point we were at about 27,000 steps so far and if the pizza wasn’t great Merilynn was gonna be some pissed at me. Fingers crossed…..

We got the New York cheese and added smoked bacon.

There is no seating here so we found a school down the street where we sat down on a bench to eat. Actually can’t complain, it was quite lovely to sit in the park and eat.

My initial impressions?

Yes this pie looks great. Thin crust, great undercarriage.

3 cheeses, mozza blend, Grana Padano and pecorino with the smoked bacon.

The taste lived up to the 8.4 thank God. I probably would have been sleeping on the floor tonight if this pizza had sucked considering how much walking I made Merilynn do.

And it was only $22 bucks for a 14″.

Really good value IMHO.

So if you’re in TO and anywhere near a North of Brooklyn Pizzeria I, as well as Dave Portnoy, would highly recommend a trip to try this pizza out.

One bite review

Greg 8.7

Merilynn 8.1


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