Hellcrust Pizza

Burnaby BC

If you go by the number of locations Hellcrust Pizza has you’d think it must be pretty good.

If you delve a little into their website you’d see they learned the art of pizza making in Italy and brought the skills here. Looks great right? Should be heavenly.

So why is this pizza only good enough for those on the lowest levels of Dante’s inferno?

For me it all boils down to the crust.

It’s a hell of a sh***y crust.

Dive a little further into their website and you’ll discover they add multi grains into their crust for gut health. Like I want to eat pizza for gut health. They chose their topping for a balance between taste and health. Frankly I couldn’t give one of Beelzebub’s bowel movements about health when I eat pizza. I just want a great tasting pie.

So I did end up with a Hawaiian.

And all that being said the toppings were ok. On the positive side a good amount of pineapple. I feel so healthy.

The crust? Hell, it just sucked.

It should have some crispness and some chew and be packed with flavour. It had none of those. Normally I eat all my crusts and any others left behind from people that only want the “good stuff”

Here’s the evidence I didn’t care for it.

Call me unimpressed. Thoughts of my $20 in a pile of ashes came to mind. Why didn’t I just go with my usual pizza? Well in my defence, the devil made me do it.

One bite everyone knows the rules review

Merilynn 6.7

Sophia 5.5

Greg 5.3

If I were you I’d try somewhere else…..

Pizza Ludica is a good choice if your in New West or Vancouver. Check out their pizza here

You can read my review of them here

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