Coffee Crawl

I’m not one for New year’s resolutions. I feel that if you’ve come to a point where you realize that you need to make a change you should start said change immediately. Those who delay that change will inevitably fail as they really aren’t serious about it.

It came to a point late last year where I realized that I need to give Starbucks less of my hard earned money.

There are a variety of reasons, you see. One, I was pretty upset about not getting eggnog lattes for a second year in a row. Two, the quality of drinks is so inconsistent and usually on the average-at-best side. And with the cost of these drinks that’s just not acceptable. Three, I will happily admit that it’s probably due to my age and my view on the world but I have no interest in all these non-dairy options they are trying to push on us. I want my drink to moo. And if I needed any more reasons they’ve decided to go and up their star rewards cost 25%.

So it is with a somewhat heavy heart that I look to other coffee shops. I shouldn’t feel that way. I am usually a fairly loyal customer. And I did work there a long time ago. But when I consider how much money I have given them over the last 25 years and how “at least it’s not terrible” the drinks have become, I shall start to look elsewhere.

I have 4 coffee shops on my agenda for today. So buckle up. It’s going to be a lot of caffeine. Here we go……

Serious Coffee

New West BC

Iced Caramel Macchiato

It’s good. It’s got a touch of sweetness without being overpowering; the bitter profile of the espresso is still present, and they balance each other well. The espresso itself is mildly nutty, another good complement to the caramel. It’s nice and light while still being strong in flavor.


Whole milk Vanilla Latte

With a good inch of velvety foam, a nice balance of sweetness and espresso that isn’t burnt. This is what I want every latte to be.



Vancouver BC

Vanilla latte whole milk

Cool vibe here. Kind of hard to describe so I’ll go with Natural Industrial. The moss on the walls is pretty cool. Could use a bit of a polish though. When you look close it’s put together quickly. And the location right now is a little sketchy. Downtown east side. But it is improving.

The coffee? Very good. Their focus is on high quality coffee from traceable sources with integrity.

Nice foam, good balance. Just maybe a bit warmer.


Incognito Coffee

Vancouver BC

Incognito Coffee is in the lobby of the VSO. Other than the awful music it’s comfortable enough.

Iced Caramel latte

Good amount of syrup, the caramel complemented the espresso well. The only thing is it’s a little heavy on the milk, resulting in a weaker taste. It’s less acidic than other coffees I’ve tried. Not bad, but could be better.


Whole milk Vanilla Latte

First sip was good. Nice foam again. Starbucks Baristas take note. Please learn how to make foam. Balance of syrup was appropriate. Biggest complaint for me is temperature. Could be hotter. Overall good taste though.


Aperture Coffee

Vancouver BC

Iced vanilla latte

This is probably my favorite of the ones we tried today. The latte was just the right amount of strong without being overpowering, and while I would personally prefer a bit more sweetness, that’s an easy fix and even without it this was still the best latte I had today. The ambiance in the shop is bright out front, with a more moody setting with a bar in the back for variety and more seating.


Vanilla latte whole milk

To my surprise every shop today has had whole milk as the default. Of course at Starbucks I have to specify whole milk.

My latte was again excellent. Really good foam with a good balance of syrup and espresso. Best of the day.


One thing that has come through in all the stops today is the care and attention that every Barista has put into making our drinks. Something that the Green Siren employees should put more focus on.

Cold drinks by Amanda, hot drinks by Greg

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