
Vancouver BC

Well here we go again

We actually wanted to hit up Joey Burrard tonight but it was full. So in the space of 24 hours we are back at Earls for a second time.

I tried the Yucatan Chicken tacos. They were good but the balance of flavours wasn’t quite there. I did enjoy the Jalapeño crema, and the salsa was good. It was missing some brightness though, too much like a curry actually. And too much cabbage.

Merilynn had the Crispy Prawn Tacos. Now this is an example where everything comes together well. The prawn, sriracha mayo and mango complement each other well. I even think the soy wrapper tasted really good in this dish. Don’t tell the Vegans that I said that though. The toasted sesame seeds are a really nice touch.

Food 7/10

Ambiance 8/10

Service 7/10

Overall 7/10

If you’re here I’d say go with the prawn taco.

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