
Burnaby BC

Time to grab a quick bite before we head into that vast bastion of Christmas hell, the mall.

We definitely need a drink before we submit ourselves to Dante’s 7the level of hell, AKA Metrotown.

This is a Blue Hawaiian. Fresh pineapple juice with coconut and rum. Should ease things with Beelzebub a tad.

Combine that with a Mojito and now we are getting there.

For a bite we really wanted to try the street corn Avocado dip again. Unfortunately the devil got up to his old tricks and screwed with us. Whomever made this one forgot the corn. Or most of it anyways. Damn you to hell Prince of Darkness! Don’t worry, we will be joining you shortly.

Food 6/10

Drinks 9/10

Value 7/10

Ambiance 8/10

Service 8/10

Overall 7/10

Ok Hades, here we come,,,,

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