Chorizo and Co

Victoria Crawl stop #5

This was recommended to us as a good next spot. A short walk up the street from Little Jumbo.

As good “elevated”  as everything was at Little Jumbo, they missed the mark a bit at Chorizo and Co.  Not for lack of trying. Just everything didn’t click as well as Little Jumbo.

Merilynn had an Unprecedented Thyme.

Whiskey, Vermouth, bitters and a scorched thyme leaf.

Which she did not like. Switch.

I had the VIP Paloma.

Tequila, Aperol, grapefruit and chili syrup.

She didn’t care for that one either. I didn’t think either were great.

Not that they were bad.  But unlike the drinks at Little Jumbo the flavours didn’t click.

For an Appy we went with a Pan seared Morcilla. A not so crispy crispy potato cake with egg, tomato sauce and tomato chutney.

Ya it wasn’t great. Not a lot of flavour going on here.

In an attempt to rescue the stop, we also tried an El Sabio. Sage tequila, pineapple and lime.

It was, at the very least, drinkable. Unfortunately not good enough to rescue what was a rather disappointing and final stop to our evening.

We had to stop to ensure a somewhat safe return to the hotel

Whose idea was it to drink so much anyways? Oh right. Mine.

But all in all a good evening all around. Some good, some bad, some fantastic.

We at the very least have a better understanding of the Victoria food scene.

Food 2/10

Drinks 4/10

Ambiance 6/10

Overall 4/10

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