The Commons

Victoria Crawl stop 1

Our plan for the evening is to hit as many spots around downtown as we can before we fall over drunk. One drink and one Appy per restaurant.

The Commons is a small Island chain with 4 locations, so they must be doing something right.

I stuck with a beer this stop, a 10 acres lager. Crisp and clean.

For food we had the ceviché.

Beyond the completely ridiculous presentation, it was rather good. Not Cactus Club ceviché good, but good nonetheless.  Being in the mason jar did not lend to easy consumption. The variety of seafood was impressive. Prawn, shrimp, squid, clam and halibut. I found the squid particularly good. I doubt the chips are fried in house though.

So a good start to the evening. We even had some entertainment watching two elderly couple make way too big a deal out of which table to sit at.

Food 8/10

Ambiance 7/10

Value 6/10 ($20 ceviché)

Overall 7/10

On to stop 2!

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