
New West


You’re at the Bruncheria in New Westminster.

This is what greets you at the front when you arrive for your meal. How does this first impression grab you?

So you choose a table on the patio, which is surprisingly less noisy than what you would expect for being on a rather busy street. The server comes and asks you what you would like to drink. I ordered a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.


$8 for an orange juice? Are you kidding me? Eight fricken dollars. There better be gold flakes floating around in that OJ. Update…there weren’t. If I were you I’d skip the juice and stick with the water jug in the middle of the table.

Hold on. Why do all the tables already have open jugs of water sitting in the middle of the table?


Can that be food safe? Me thinks not.

Anyways on to breakfast. Eggs Benny with prosciutto and arugula.


Shouldn’t Eggs Benny have some Hollandaise on it? And be hot?

Ok after closer inspection I did find some Hollandaise on top. But that’s about the bare minimum of Hollandaise to call it “Eggs Benny”. For $19 there should be some more sauce on there guys. However I couldn’t find a way to heat it back up again. I wonder if the chef would be mad at me if I popped into the kitchen to fix this up?

It did taste alright though and the eggs were pretty well cooked. Hot would have been so much better though.

By all accounts none of our meals were hot. Reports were that they still tasted good.

Eggs Benny with smoked Salmon
Breakfast wrap with $4 avocado.

And from what I could see we were the only ones there that early. So why is my food cold?

Aside from the ridiculous price of the OJ, a regular coffee here is $4 as well. May as well get a mediocre $6 latte from the Starbucks down the street if your gonna pay $4 for that swill.

Overall, I would say this trip to the Bruncheria was very underwhelming. I was slagging Anjelina’s a lot and giving the props to Bruncheria as far as New West breakfasts go. I am definitely going to have to reconsider. At least at Anjelina’s you do get to see the cool juice squeezing machine while you are overpaying for your OJ.

Oh, and there’s no off- putting stop sign when you first get there.

Food 6/10

Value 5/10

Ambiance 7/10 Hold on a sec. Minus a point for the stupid stop sign. 6/10

Overall 6/10

3 thoughts on “Bruncheria

  1. Sounds to me after all your complaining you’d be better off just making breakfast at home. Alternatively A&W serves a great bacon and what’s and. Offer for like $9.
    Otherwise try cooking at home and you probably won’t have anything to complain about lol

    1. Well as a food blogger and reviewer I do kind of have a right to share my opinion. And yes I do make Eggs Benny at home. And do it quite well. I’ll put my Hollandaise up against anyones. Even Heston Blumenthal And you’re right. A and W is quite fine for what it is. But thank you for your comments! Always like to hear from other people about their food experiences.

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