Doppio Zero Pizza

Coquitlam BC

The quest continues for great pizza….

Quattro Formagio con Capicollo tonight.

Fior di latté, reggiano, scamorza and gorganzola. With spicy Capicollo!

The gorganzola was a nice touch. At first I would have thought feta from the saltiness, but then the blue came through and I figured it was gorgonzola.

The undercarriage was good, but perhaps a little more time in the oven would have made it better.

Overall pretty good. Not as good as Pizzeria Spacca Napoli, but since they don’t deliver to our area anymore it’s a pretty decent substitute.

The One Bite review is 8.2

Food 8.2/10

Value Yikes! $27 for essentially a medium.

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