Sun Star

Coquitlam BC

I was actually on my way home today to make Kung Pao Chicken, but due to an unfortunate series of events instigated by a less than competent bus driver I lost all motivation to cook.

Enter Sun Star Chinese.

I should have cooked…..

The King Pao was bland. It had way too much celery. And the copius quantities of celery there was was rather undercooked.

Every other Kung Pao I’ve ever had was pretty spicy.

My Grandfather’s Cream of Wheat was spicier than this Kung Pao.

On the bright side, the Wonton soup was rather good.

I don’t think we will be going back to Sun Star.

Food 4/10

Value 6/10

Overall 5/10

Maybe the chow mein is better……

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