GW Fins

New Orleans LA

Let me start by saying “Kudos” to Merilynn for picking this place. I missed it while doing my research for food on this trip. I’m sure glad she found it.

I have eaten many great meals at many fine dining establishments. From Bacchus in Vancouver, Araxi’s in Whistler, Michael Mina, L’Atelier and Alize in Vegas to name just a few. This might possibly have been the best of them all.

We created our own tasting menu and shared 6 dishes. First up … Lobster Bisque

Personally, I’ve never met a Lobster Bisque I didn’t like. There’s good Lobster Bisque and then there’s better Lobster Bisque. This one was one of the better ones. With nicely balanced flavours and big chunks of lobster I was considering a second helping. But on to the Ceviche!

Frankly it floored us both. Wonderfully presented. In the midst of all that goodness is a scoop of mango sorbet, which cooled off the Aji Chilis so well. The texture and flavour of the sweet potato chips versus the normally presented tortilla chips was also a great choice. And I really liked the blend of Citrus juices rather than just one or two to “cook” the snapper. That’s exactly how I make my own Ceviché

We moved onto the Lobster Dumplings.

Again another outstanding dish. Served with a delicate white fish sauce with a gentle flavour of dill, they were perfectly poached.

Crispy Pork Belly

This was one of those “AHA” food moments for me. I know it’s not gourmet to have Coke and pink Grapefruit together, but trust me they pair well. Just like Crispy Pork Belly and Watermelon. The pork belly was so crispy on the outside and so tender, I just used a fork to cut it. I’ll be testing this dish at home soon.

Pumpkin Seed crusted Flounder

The highlight here for me was the nuttiness of the brown butter bringing together all the other flavours. It just worked well.

Raspberry Bombe

Dark chocolate and Raspberries.

Do I need to say more?

To sum up, GW Fins far exceeded any expectations for food I had on this trip. And my expectations were pretty high. The service was outstanding. And the food some of the very best I’ve ever had. Put this stop on your itinerary if your in New Orleans.

Food – 10/10

Ambiance – 9/10

Value – 9/10

Overall – 9/10

You need to eat here!


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